Chemical Analysis

Chemical Analysis

Chemitox is accredited by A2LA in the USA for the ISO/IEC17025 standard. For many years we have conducted analyses of materials for the  RoHS Directive as well as other restricted materials.

Our analysis lab is located in Tokyo, therefore, we can provide analysis data quickly. Also, we can conduct a wide variety of chemical analysis, such as RoHS REACH, and Drainage analysis. We are focusing on the analyses of hazardous substances more than ever so we can provide these analyses at competitive prices. Please contact us for your chemical analysis.



A2LA Certification of Chemical

UL 94 746A 746B 746C

Chemical Analysis Contents

RoHS    ● REACH    ● Cleanliness Analysis, Thermal Analysis

Contact information
PIC: Muto (Ms.)/ Sumida (Mr.)
TEL: +81-3-3727-7111 
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